

来源:http://www.jntongyu.com/ 日期:2021-11-18 发布人:admin

塑壳断路器应用在工业和城市低压工厂,工作电流从1 - 1000A。它们安装在直流和交流配电柜中,用于电机保护(电机控制中心)、发电机保护、电容器保护和终端用户。

Molded case circuit breakers are used in industrial and urban low-voltage plants with operating current from 1 - 1000A. They are installed in DC and AC distribution cabinets for motor protection (motor control center), generator protection, capacitor protection and end users.
ABB集团位列全球500强企业。集团总部位于瑞士苏黎世,并在苏黎世、斯德哥尔摩和纽约证券所上市。ABB由两个历史100多年的国际性企业-瑞典的阿西亚公司(ASEA),和瑞士的布朗 勃法瑞公司(BBC Brown Boveri) 在1988年合并而来的。
ABB group ranks among the world's top 500 enterprises. Headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland, the group is listed on the Zurich, Stockholm and New York stock exchanges. ABB was merged in 1988 by two international enterprises with a history of more than 100 years - Sweden's ASEA and Switzerland's BBC Brown Boveri.
ABB has participated in the construction of many national key projects in China, such as the construction of the Three Gorges power station and power transmission and distribution project, the South-to-North Water Transfer Project, the Qinghai Tibet railway, the reconstruction and expansion project of the Capital International Airport in the Beijing Olympic project, the substation project, the light rail project, etc. In addition, abb also provides reliable power or automation technology solutions for many customers such as Shanghai Secco, Guangzhou Metro, Shanghai Metro, Beijing Great Hall of the people, Shanghai General Motors, Baosteel and so on.
ABB 设计的2种系列的 塑壳断路器:众所周知的Isomax S系列和新开发的Tmax系列(在2003国际设计中,以其技术含量和而闻名)。此外,Tmax 更具有极高的性能水平:外形尺寸小,安装简单。再加上双重绝缘,确保操作者。因其Tmax 断路器的性能以及脱扣器和附件的完整性,可使用在交流和直流用电工厂的主配电和子配电中。
Two series of molded case circuit breakers designed by ABB: the well-known Isomax s series and the newly developed Tmax series (famous for its technical content and environmental protection in 2003 International Design). In addition, Tmax has a very high performance level: small overall size and simple installation. Coupled with double insulation to ensure the safety of the operator. Due to the excellent performance of Tmax circuit breaker and the integrity of release and accessories, it can be used in the main distribution and sub distribution of AC and DC power plants.
Tmax 特性
Tmax characteristics
Tmax series has high technology and adopts the most advanced design and simulation tools to ensure the optimal performance in the smallest overall dimension.
Since the arc extinguishing chamber adopts the latest technology and can accelerate the opening speed, Tmax series circuit breakers can greatly limit the allowable energy and reduce the current peak, so as to avoid overheating and reduce the electric stress of the device.
此外,Tmax系列断路器使用了一套完全通用和标准的附件,具有很多优点:减少库存、方便灵活和使用方便。它们皆可选配(使用电流高达500A的)新型剩余电流脱扣器。(RC221, RC222, RC223)
In addition, Tmax series circuit breaker uses a set of completely universal and standard accessories, which has many advantages: reduced inventory, convenience and flexibility and easy to use. They can be equipped with new residual current release (with current up to 500A). (RC221, RC222, RC223)
application area 
塑壳断路器应用在工业和城市低压工厂,工作电流从1 - 1000A。它们安装在直流和交流配电柜中,用于电机保护(电机控制中心)、发电机保护、电容器保护和终端用户。
Molded case circuit breakers are used in industrial and urban low-voltage plants with operating current from 1 - 1000A. They are installed in DC and AC distribution cabinets for motor protection (motor control center), generator protection, capacitor protection and end users.
ABB 设计的2种系列的 塑壳断路器:众所周知的Isomax S系列和新开发的Tmax系列(在2003国际设计中,以其技术含量和而闻名)。此外,Tmax 更具有极高的性能水平:外形尺寸小,安装简单。再加上双重绝缘,确保操作者。因其Tmax 断路器的性能以及脱扣器和附件的完整性,可使用在交流和直流用电工厂的主配电和子配电中。
Two series of molded case circuit breakers designed by ABB: the well-known Isomax s series and the newly developed Tmax series (famous for its technical content and environmental protection in 2003 International Design). In addition, Tmax has a very high performance level: small overall size and simple installation. Coupled with double insulation to ensure the safety of the operator. Due to the excellent performance of Tmax circuit breaker and the integrity of release and accessories, it can be used in the main distribution and sub distribution of AC and DC power plants.
Tmax 特性
Tmax characteristics
Tmax series has high technology and adopts the most advanced design and simulation tools to ensure the optimal performance in the smallest overall dimension.
Since the arc extinguishing chamber adopts the latest technology and can accelerate the opening speed, Tmax series circuit breakers can greatly limit the allowable energy and reduce the current peak, so as to avoid overheating and reduce the electric stress of the device.

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